An Arbitrary Code Execution vulnerability has been identified in the WordPress Kanban Boards for WordPress Plugin. This vulnerability allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the affected website, potentially compromising the security of the website and its visitors.

This vulnerability was discovered and responsibly reported by TomS.

The vulnerability is an Arbitrary Code Execution vulnerability that occurs in the kanban-boards.php file. The vulnerability allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the website by specifying a specially crafted URL in the action parameter of the kanban-boards.php file.

The vulnerability has not been patched in any version of the Kanban Boards for WordPress Plugin as of yet. Users are advised to uninstall the plugin until a patched version is available.


With a CVSS 3.1 score of 9.1, this vulnerability establishes itself as a critical threat. This means that the vulnerability is highly exploitable and could have a significant impact on the affected system.

Affected Versions:

As of the latest update, no version has been released to address the vulnerability present in the Kanban Boards for WordPress Plugin. This leaves websites utilizing this plugin at an escalated risk of potential attacks.


An attacker who successfully exploits this vulnerability could:

  • Execute arbitrary code on the website, such as stealing sensitive information, installing malware, or taking control of the website.
  • Cause denial-of-service attacks.
  • Disrupt the website’s operations.


Considering the severity of this vulnerability, users can take the following action :

  • Plugin Deactivation: Users of the Kanban Boards for WordPress Plugin are strongly advised to uninstall the plugin until a patched version is available.
  • Stay Informed: Keep a watchful eye on official updates or advisories relevant to the Kanban Boards for WordPress Plugin.